Start of a new chapter: Writing course

Well I’m kind of feeling a bit excited, although slightly anxious, because tomorrow I’ll be taking another step towards realising my dream as a professional writer.  I’m starting a post graduate certificate of Arts in Writing in the hope that it will provide me with the extra skills and recognition towards achieving my goals.  The first is to be a freelance writer in the corporate world.  My ultimate goal is as a published novelist.  I know the latter will be no easy feat, especially given the elusiveness of time to put creative pen to paper.  But I’m a realist and know there’s no easy way to live the writing dream.

Anyway, my intention is to use my blog to publish some of my work from the course, as well as to share any useful information with other aspiring writers.  I have no idea what to expect – all shall be made clearer tomorrow – but I know there will be valuable lessons to be learnt.  I’m looking forward to writing in my blog for you, my audience, because without you, writing has no meaning.  It will be a test, in some degree, to see whether my writing reaches my target audience.  So it’s going to be an interesting journey for me and hopefully for you too!